Founding Partners Stewart Boxer and Michael Gerson celebrate Boxer’s retirement—a remarkable milestone in their firm’s 40-year history
Family and friends of Stewart Boxer gathered last month to celebrate his retirement from the firm he co-founded in 1977 with his colleague and friend Michael Gerson. The event drew some 200 people from throughout the Bay Area’s legal community. Prominent among them were the 20+ attorneys now associated with the firm that Boxer helped grow into a widely respected regional powerhouse protecting the rights of injured workers, accident victims, and the disabled.
Boxer will be joined in retirement by his wife of 55 years, the former United States Senator Barbara Boxer, who retired earlier this year after four terms representing California in the United States Senate and five terms in the House of Representatives. The couple’s children, Doug and Nicole, two of their three grandchildren, and other family members, all of them found in the photos below, lent greatly to the celebratory mood as the large crowd offered Boxer a fond farewell from the joys and rigors of the legal profession he served with such distinction over 40+ years.
Stewart and Barbara, flanked by Stewart’s brother Harold, daughter Nicole, grandchildren Reyna and Zain, son Doug and his wife Amy
Gersons & Boxers: Michael, Barbara, Stewart, Jamie
On both the short- and long-term agenda: more time with the grandchildren
The son and daughter offer a few words
Son Doug with wife Amy and children Reyna and Zain
Enjoying the fruits of many years’ good labor
With firm colleagues Warren Pulley, Bert Arnold, Dikla Dolev and Hillary Nakano
With longtime labor leader Chuck Mack
With Boxer & Gerson Partner Gary Lee and his wife, Lisa Oyama
Pat Woodward, Jim Beno, and Jesse Juarez of the IAM Lodge 190
Harold Boxer, artist
Stewart, the son of a Teamster, with Teamsters Rome Aloise, Chuck Mack, and Joe Silva
With Steve Kazan, founding partner of Oakland law firm Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood
With the evening’s entertainment, longtime musician and former client, Lloyd Gregory
Managing Partner John Harrigan, the evening’s MC
With humor and heart: fellow Founding Partner Michael Gerson at the podium
Fond reflections
Final toast to a job and a career well done…