Workers Comp Zone


It was an interesting weekend. Those of us who hadn’t previously followed Alaska politics were introduced to Sarah Palin, who has registered the name “Rouge Cou” (translated as “redneck”) for a marketing venture.

Rust belt hockey moms, NASCAR dads and Catholic women may be deciding whose fairy tale comes true.

Turns out Palin is the part owner of an Anchorage car wash. Here in California the car wash industry has been the poster-boy for labor law violations. It’ll be interesting to see whether that’s the case in Alaska or whether Palin ran a “clean” car wash.

But while you were barbecuein’ and the media was reeling at the Palin pick, the California legislature was wrappin’.

We may not have a state budget yet. But we have comp legislation on its way to the Governor’s desk.

The bill in increase benefits to permanently disabled workers over a 3 year period-SB 1717- passed its last Assembly hurdle. The vote on August 29 was 46-31, with 3 absent or abstaining. The California Senate voted in favor 23-14 back on May 17. To see how the Assembly voted, click here: … floor.html

To see the official analysis of SB 1717, click here: … floor.html

SB 1717 is now on its way to the Governor, where it faces almost certain veto. Similar bills were rejected in 2006 and 2007. The third time is not likely to be the charm.

Also on its way to the governor is the Migden bill on apportionment discrimination, SB 1115. Here is the official analysis of SB 1115: … floor.html

SB 1115 passed out of the Assembly on 8/19, on a 46-31 vote, with 3 absent or abstaining. Here is the Assembly tally: … floor.html
And here is the Senate tally: … floor.html

I’ll be covering any developments as these bills head toward Schwarzenegger’s desk.

Stay tuned.

Julius Young
(you can subscribe to the blog by clicking on the RSS reader button on the lower right column under “Most recent entries”)

Category: Political developments