Workers Comp Zone


September 28.

That’s the day now scheduled for public hearings on the WCIRB’s recommendation for a 30% workers’ comp premium rate increase (actually the recommendation is for a 29.6% increase).

Yesterday the WCIRB submitted its pure premium rate filing to the California Department of Insurance. You can see the filing here:

The hearing will be held at the CDI conference room at 45 Fremont Street in San Francisco, 22nd Floor.

The WCIRB press release noted that
“If the full 29.6% increase is approved by the Insurance Commissioner, the January 1, 2011 pure premium rates will still be, on average, 53% lower than the approved pure premium rates in effect July 1, 2003.”

The message to employers? Suck it up.

Stay tuned.

Julius Young

Category: Political developments