Workers Comp Zone

A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.

September 14, 2008

The Penalty Box-Part One

You’re late on your mortgage payment. You owe a penalty. You’re late on your credit card payment. You owe a penalty. You’re late on your cell phone bill. Your service probably gets cut off. But if you’re a California workers’ comp insurer and you are late on payments, what happens to you? The answer? It […]

September 11, 2008


Running out of money. No, I’m not talking about Lehman Brothers, the venerable New Yorkinvestment bank that is teetering and “restructuring”. And I’m not talking about Ford or General Motors, both of which have been burning through cash like there was no tomorrow. I’m talking about the California unemployment fund. At current rates, the fund […]

September 9, 2008


It’s funny how circular life can be. Schwarzenegger, whose efforts to recall Gray Davis jumpstarted his political career, may now be facing his own recall. The California Correctional Peace Officers Association has issued a notice of intent to do just that. Whether this is posturing to get more concessions out of the budget or whether […]

September 5, 2008


Hopes for comprehensive healthcare reform in California in the near term crashed and burned in late 2007. Even a special legislative session failed to produce a comprehensive healthcare package. But-to its credit-the legislature hasn’t given up. Recognizing that millions of Californians have no healthcare coverage (including many disabled workers who are no longer covered by […]

September 3, 2008


It was an interesting weekend. Those of us who hadn’t previously followed Alaska politics were introduced to Sarah Palin, who has registered the name “Rouge Cou” (translated as “redneck”) for a marketing venture. Rust belt hockey moms, NASCAR dads and Catholic women may be deciding whose fairy tale comes true. Turns out Palin is the […]

August 19, 2008


Not UR’d. The Governor, that is. The Governor found time to go have a quick knee arthroscopy while the legislature was in full food fight mode over the budget over the budget.Since the torn ligament was non-industrial, there was no need to wade through ACOEM review under UR. Turns out the Governor has had quite […]

August 13, 2008


The WCIRB has just announced that it plans to recommend to Insurance Commissioner Poizner a 16% increase in workers’ comp rates effective 1/1/09. The actual “filing”(a recommendation with the Department of Insurance) will be coming in the next few days. The Insurance Commissioner can accept or reject the WCIRBrecommendation. The WCIRB recommendation applies to “purepremium […]