A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
Standard and Poors has placed California’s credit rating on a watch list. Vendors may have to be paid with IOUs. The knives are out in Sacramento. Who and what get axed, and what remains? A union throws a Hail Mary pass, running ads for higher taxes. Every group demands space in the lifeboat as the […]
Sayonara to voc rehab. Workers injured before 1/1/04 who still hoped to avail themselves of vocational retraining, or who had hopes to collect voc rehab maintenance allowance money for times when voc rehab was disputed are out of luck. Today the WCAB issued a unanimous en banc ruling on the VR issue, in its ruling […]
Still alive? The possibility of sale of part of SCIF or sale of some of it’s “book of business”? A sale transfer of “loss reserves”? Floated by Schwarzenegger, it’s now been mentioned by Darrell Steinberg as something Senate Democrats may support as part of a solution to the budget crisis. Check out the piece by […]
Don’t hold your breath. Words of wisdom from the WCAB. From the Al-Ron show. Al Moresi and Ronnie Caplane to be exact. Those 2 WCAB commissioners were doing a roadshow presentation at the Shell Beach seminar sponsored by the State Bar Workers’ Comp section. The following is my paraphrasing of some selective pearls (not a […]
The comp community was all a-twitter today. The big buzz? Yesterday’s en banc decisions in Olgilvie and Almaraz and Guzman (see yesterday’s post) A sample of comments from sources (applicant attorneys, defense attorneys and judges) I spoke with today: ….”Courageous”…..”A slippery slope”….”What took them so long?”……”Finally, the pompous AMA police are put in their place”……”FEC […]
For some time I’ve been expecting that the WCAB would issue a decision clarifying its position on rebutting the 2005 permanent disability rating schedule. In Scott Boughner vs. CompUSA the WCAB had upheld the validity of the 2005 PD schedule (Boughner’s counsel has requested the Court of Appeal review that decision but there is no […]
More on shredding of the “safety net”: Cash strapped counties are having problems meeting their safety net obligations……Backlogs in the welfare system that may affect some who run out of unemployment, state disability or workers’ comp and are unable to find employment in a declining economy……. Here’s the Contra Costa Times piece:http://www.contracostatimes.com/politic … source=rss Stay […]