A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
Interested in following the upcoming Tuesday morning hearings on workers’ comp rates by the California Department of Insurance, but unable to get to San Francisco to attend in person? The hearing may be very interesting as the WCIRB and the CDI shift from a former measure of workers’ comp rates to a new measure. There’s […]
Thought that California workers’ comp rates were largely determined by claims costs? If so, you are like most people. Year after year reports by the WCIRB (California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau) precede California Department of Insurance rate hearings on insurance carrier rates. Indeed, next Tuesday September 27 Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones will be holding […]
A récent Los Angeles Times article on prescription drug abuse is worth noting. The article, “Drug Deaths Now Outnumber Traffic Fatalities in the U.S.”, by Lisa Giron, Scott Glover and Doug Smith, is likely to add further weight to concerns about the expanded use of opioids in the workers’ comp system. The authors charge that: […]
America seems to be in the midst of a sea change about the concept of personal responsibility. The latest reminder was the audience response to questions posed to Presidential candidate Ron Paul by moderator Wolf Blitzer at a recent GOP Presidential debate. Should an uninsured 30 year old with a treatable condition who chose not […]
Governor Jerry Brown was quoted this week as saying “I’m going to veto a lot of bills over the next 30 days,” “So I have to say to some, fasten your seat belt cause this is going to be a rough ride. They’ve given me 600 bills and there’s not 600 problems that we need […]
The continuing narrative of the GOP both nationally and at the state level will be jobs, jobs, jobs. Whether President Obama can rise to the occasion with his soon to be announced jobs initiative remains to be seen. Jerry Brown unveiled a proposal this week, but that plan already appears mired in controversy:http://www.sacbee.com/2011/08/26/386244 … -plan.html […]
As late August torpor sets in, go make yourself a Negroni, put your feet up, fire up Horace Silver on the stereo and treat yourself to some of the latest stats from the good folks over at CWCI, the California Workers’ Compensation Institute. Today CWCI has released a new study on California workers’ compensation temporary […]