Workers Comp Zone

A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.

September 29, 2014


In a move sure to please many worker advocates, Governor Brown has signed AB 1897 (Hernandez). This bill provides that many employers who hire labor contractors will be liable for the sins of those labor contractors where there are wage claims or failure to secure valid workers’ comp coverage. Specifically, the bill provides that A […]

September 28, 2014


The California Division of Workers’ Compensation is finally on the verge of moving forward with an electronic panel selection system. After California jettisoned procedures which allowed each party to select its own QME, problems arose with delays in the panel QME selection process. Although various efforts were made by various DWC administrators to reduce backlogs, […]

September 24, 2014


In the next few days Governor Brown will probably act on two bills of great interest to the workers’ comp community. According to an Assembly floor analysis, AB 2616 (Skinner) would  “extend to certain hospital employees who provide direct patient care the presumption that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections are presumed to be job related.” […]

September 18, 2014


Governor Brown has vetoed AB 2271 (D-Ian Calderon). That’s unfortunate, because unemployed people need all the help they can get. Some unemployed persons find themselves at a disadvantage in the interviewing and hiring process if they aren’t employed. In some instances employers are mostly, or even exclusively interested, in looking at workers who have a […]

September 13, 2014


In the next week we’ll probably see Governor Brown act on a handful of pro-worker bills of interest to the workers comp community. But in terms of sheer impact, the sick leave bill that Brown recently signed is probably the most important achievement for workers this year. The bill, AB 1522, called the Healthy Workplaces, […]

September 8, 2014


California’s Division of Workers’ Compensation has now adopted a final version of Medical Provider Network (MPN) regulations. Worker protections have been watered down. These regulations are a shadow of what they should be. These regs, required by changes in the law under SB 863, went through multiple revisions. After a 3rd 15 day comment period, […]

August 30, 2014


Labor Day weekend is here. For many it is a time to mark the waning of summer, as kids go back to school, vacations end, and fall season traditions will shortly begin. But the Labor Day holiday actually has meaning, arising out of hard-fought labor union struggles in the late 1800s. One wonders what those […]