A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
Can an insurer submit medication prescription requests to utilization review (UR) even where those medications have been repeatedly authorized before? That question has been hotly debated in California workers’ comp circles after a recent WCAB Significant Panel Decision, Patterson v. The Oaks Farm (2014) 79 CCC 910. The issue comes up again and again in […]
The American public is skeptical about workers’ comp. That’s the take away from results of a recent Harris Poll, noted in a workcompcentral.com by Ben Miller. Harris Interactive performed an October 2014 online survey of several thousand people, commissioned by a pharmacy company. Here are the questions Harris asked and their findings: “How strongly do […]
The non-campaign is over. Jerry Brown will soon be on his fourth lap in the governor’s office. It seems like just yesterday that Brown was speaking at a fundraiser at my house in Oakland, but actually it was four years ago. Brown stood on my back patio, looking toward the Golden Gate, addressing around one hundred […]
It’s certainly not impossible to think that California airline workers or healthcare workers could have frontline exposure to carriers of the Ebola virus. While this is principally a public health issue, it could morph into a significant workers’ comp issue. Thankfully the USA has only seen a handful of Ebola infections, and several of those infected have […]
The California Division of Workers’ Compensation has yet to unveil opioid guidelines, though a draft was circulated for public comment in April 2014. The DWC isn’t the only California agency working on the topic. The Medical Board of California has posted a September 2014 draft titled “Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances for Chronic Pain”. The […]
Which is more expensive, employer fraud or worker fraud? That’s a question analyzed in an interesting piece written this week by Greg Jones, ace reporter for workcompcentral.com. Jones’ piece is titled “Employer Fraud More Expensive, Claimants More Likely To Be Jailed”. Jones analyzes California Department of Insurance data during the first half of 2013. In […]
At a recent workers’ comp conference in Southern California, WCAB Commissioner Kathy Zalewski noted that the WCAB commissioners had been doing a bit of “crocodile wrestling” over Dubon. I’ve seen crocodile wrestling in Thailand, and it often features a trainer with a stick, prodding a crocodile that looks either well-fed or drugged into docile status. The […]