Workers Comp Zone

A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.

April 20, 2015


Cost shifting in workers’ comp is an increasing concern. Cost shifting comes in various forms. Employer premium fraud disadvantages honest employers and distorts the insurance market. In the last week we saw high-profile arrests of officials at a Los Angeles area sewing contractor for True Religion jeans. The sewing sub-contractors are alleged to have misrepresented […]

April 9, 2015


What a difference an ocean makes. I’m on holiday here in Singapore, where illicit drugs are taken very seriously. Cannabis is a Class I, Category A substance. Being caught with certain quantities of cannabis (as well as many other substances) can result in the death penalty. Lesser amounts will result in caning (several dozen lashes) or […]

April 2, 2015


California businesses and their advocates are undoubtedly pleased to hear that workers’ comp costs are likely to decline. That’s the take away from news that the WCIRB (Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau) Governing Committee announced intentions to do a mid-year rate filing requesting that the “pure premium” rate be lowered. The actual rate filing has […]

March 31, 2015


NPR has produced a segment that focuses  in part on the situation of Frances Stevens, whose case is pending at the California Court of Appeal. Here is the link to the NPR webpage so you can listen or download the program transcript: I’d also recommend David DePaolo’s latest blog piece, “Year of Awareness”, DePaolo discusses […]

March 26, 2015


Lately there has been intense interest in how California’s workers’ comp system is dealing with cases of severely disabled workers. Lions Raisins v. WCAB (Miramontes) could turn out to be important on that issue. More on that case in a moment, but first a little perspective on recent developments. Today ProPublica and NPR released yet another installment […]

March 22, 2015


The California Insurance Guarantee Association has dropped it its Petition for a Writ filed in the California Court of Appeal, 3rd District in the case CIGA VS. WCAB (Smith). Pursuant to CIGA’s recent request, the 3rd District issued a March 18, 2015 order that “Pursuant to petitioner’s written request, the petition for writ of review filed […]

March 18, 2015


Delays in the Independent Medical Review process are no laughing matter for workers who are waiting for a determination on treatments sought by their physicians. Still, I’ve had to chuckle as I read a series of articles in over the last few days about the question of missing medical records in IMR cases. This […]