Workers Comp Zone

A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.

May 28, 2015


What about doctors giving a warranty for their work? Workcompcentral’s Ben Miller produced an interesting piece about a Florida spine surgeon, Dr. Ari Deukmedjian, who apparently does just that. Apparently the warranty is available if an insurer pays the Deuk Spine Institute’s billed rate rather than the rate dictated by Florida’s workers’ comp fee schedule. Well […]

May 21, 2015


It’s never been clear why Governor Brown has been so slow to exercise appointments to the WCAB. But at any rate Brown has now exercised that power, appointing Jose Razo to the WCAB. Razo, a journeyman workers’ comp practitioner, comes most recently from Laughlin, Falbo, Levy and Moresi, a statewide defense firm with an excellent reputation. […]

May 14, 2015


Is an untimely IMR determination grounds for an appeal of the IMR determination? That was the issue in Norberto Arredondo v. Tri-Modal Distribution Services and SCIF. In a 2-1 decision authored by Commissioners Zalewski and Lowe (with a dissent from Commissioner Sweeney), the answer is no. The applicant contended that the IMR determination did not […]


May 7, 2015


AB 305, aimed at preventing gender discrimination in workers’ comp, continues to advance in the legislature. The bill, sponsored by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez of San Diego, survived an Assembly Insurance committee vote and will proceed to the Assembly. The bill would prohibit apportionment determinations in physical injury cases based on factors of osteoporosis, pregnancy or […]

May 1, 2015


Low wage work plagues the California economy. That’s the takeaway from another excellent study just released by UC Berkeley Labor Center, “Low Wage Work in California: 2014 Chartbook”. This study (see link below) is chock full of interesting (and disturbing) charts and graphs about large-scale low pay job in California. Consider a few highlights of […]

April 27, 2015


Hispanic-Latino workers appear to be perishing at disproportionate rates in California. That’s the takeaway from an April 15, 2015 report filed by California’s Department of Industrial Relations and the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) (I’ve included a link to the report at the end of this post). In four of the past five […]