Workers Comp Zone

A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.

November 24, 2015


Today the U.S. Department of Justice announced that federal prosecutors had filed additional charges in a Southern California workers’ comp fraud scheme, and that several defendants plan to enter guilty pleas in the coming weeks. Recently I wrote a post titled “Cleansing”, which focused on indictments in another provider fraud scheme: Today’s press release deals […]

November 19, 2015


The drumbeat for medical marijuana in workers’ compensation systems continues. Earlier this week I attended a lunchtime talk by a Bay Area physician which included his comments on the potential benefits of medical marijuana in treating certain patients. Legal issues surround this, and a California WCAB panel has twice remanded a WCJ’s decision on reimbursement of […]

November 11, 2015


Making headlines this week is another high profile indictment in California workers’ comp. The federal charges allege a fraudulent kickback scheme among various Southern California medical providers, including doctors, chiropractors and durable equipment providers. It’s lengthy, but here (in italics) is the press release from the office of U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy which outlines the […]

November 3, 2015


Chalk one up for the “plenary power” of the legislature. California’s courts are seemingly reluctant to challenge the legislature’s prerogative in workers’ comp. The drafters of SB 863 and the California Legislature scored a big win last week as the California Court of Appeal 1st District nixed a constitutional challenge to the IMR provisions of […]

October 28, 2015


The California Court  of Appeal has now rendered a decision in a closely watched case, Margaret Batten v. WCAB and Long Beach Memorial Hospital. The central question in the case was whether California’s QME process statutes permit the admission into evidence of a non-treating physician report obtained by an applicant.  In Batten the applicant, represented by […]

October 23, 2015


Could federal oversight of state workers’ comp systems be on the horizon? Although politically  unlikely, some Congressional Democrats are proposing that. In an October 20, 2015 letter to U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, ten U.S.Senators and Representatives call for Perez to “strengthen oversight of state workers’ compensation programs by using the agency’s expertise and authorities.” […]

October 15, 2015


While the 2015 legislative season is over, it’s not too late to analyze the Governor Brown’s veto messages on two prominent workers’ comp bills, AB 305 and AB 1542. Not that it was a surprise that those were vetoed. The word had been out for some time that Brown’s administration favored neither. AB 305 (Lorena […]