Workers Comp Zone

A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.

June 7, 2016


Provider fraud cases continue to generate big headlines in California workers’ comp. Last week the Orange County DA refiled charges against Dr. Kareem Ahmed and a number of other prominent Southern California physicians regarding an alleged fraudulent billing and kickback scheme. Today on is a featured article noting a Riverside County indictment of Peyman […]

May 30, 2016


Tonight I received word that Rosa Moran has died. Most recently Moran had been on medical leave from her post as a Workers’ Compensation Judge in Oakland. In 2011  Governor Brown appointed her as the Administrative Director of the Division of Workers’ Compensation. Her tenure there was turbulent and short. With DIR head Christine Baker, […]

May 25, 2016


Recently I had the pleasure of speaking to a large QME training course, sponsored by the California Orthopedic Association. Joined by WCJ Noah Tempkin and defense attorney William Tappin, the focus of my segment of the training panel, held at Orange County’s Ritz-Carlton Resort at Laguna Niguel, was on “Almaraz/Guzman: What Works and What Doesn’t […]

May 11, 2016


Under what circumstances can a Maximus Independent Medical Review Determination be appealed? Under Labor Code 4610.6(h), the grounds for appealing an IMR determination are very limited. Challenges to the constitutionality of the IMR statute are currently pending, but the odds seem long that California courts will reject the IMR statute altogether. So court decisions clarifying […]

May 4, 2016


The tides of the California’s workers’ comp system always come and go. It was recently announced that Ronnie Caplane,  Chairperson of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board was stepping down. Caplane has accepted a post at Zenith Insurance.  In future posts there will be more time to appraise details of her legacy at the helm of the […]

April 26, 2016


Uber and the Boston-based plaintiff attorneys litigating O’Connor v. Uber Technologies have announced a settlement of the class action challenging the classification of Uber drivers as independent contractors. The settlement, which voids a summer trial, must be approved by U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen. While that may well happen, an attempted resolution  of  a class […]

April 16, 2016


Could utilization review physicians and UR provider companies face liability lawsuits filed by injured workers alleging they were damaged by the administration of the UR process? Perhaps. That appears to be possible under certain circumstances after a 2016 decision by the California Court of Appeal 4th District, Kirk King v. CompPartners (see link to the decision […]