A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
The term “sudden and extraordinary” might sound like a term suited to describe one of Steph Curry’s game winning three-pointers, or a clutch pass from Tom Brady clinching a comeback win. But in the California work comp world it’s a vague but critical statutory term that can determine whether an employee of less than six months duration […]
Workerscompzone is having another birthday. The blog was born in early 2007. That’s over a decade of doing this blog. California workers’ comp had gone through major upheaval in 2003 and 2004. The system was going through aftershocks, and the workers’ comp “community” was in a major period of adjustment. I saw it as a […]
Every new year I kick off January with a quiz on likely developments in California workers’ comp. Readers can test their insight into probable 2018 happenings in the comp world by taking the following test. Note that in some cases there may be more than one correct answer. Ready to get out your crystal ball and play? 1. […]
Should California extend special workers’ comp protections to day laborers? That’s what AB 206 would boil down to. AB 206 (see link to the current bill text below), sponsored by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, is to be considered in the California Assembly Insurance Committee tomorrow. An earlier version of AB 206 was considered last year, […]
What were the top developments in California workers’ comp during 2017? Every year (and at mid year) I compile a list of my picks for readers. I’ve included links to some of the primary source material as well as links to some of the in-depth posts I did on these various topics. Here, in no […]
The California State Auditor recently released a December 2017 audit report on fraud in the California workers’ comp system. An unusual crossfire resulted, as the California Department of Insurance (the CDI) accepted the audit recommendations, but the Department of Industrial Relations disputed the recommendations, causing the State Auditor to fire back in rebuttal to the DIR’s […]
$32,526 in donations to buy toys and 39 boxes of actual toys. That’s the impressive haul assembled this week by the Oakland workers’ compensation community for the 9th Annual Oakland Mayor’s Toy Drive. It’s a feel-good “Toy Story”. A lot of Bay Area kids will have something to smile about as a result of the generosity […]