A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
Has the Affordable Care Act had an impact on California workers’ comp? This is the issue addressed by the California WCIRB in a May 2018 study titled “Impact of the Affordable Care Act on California Workers’ Compensation (see link below). The study is authored by Tim Basuino and Julia Zhang, both Medical Analytics Specialists with the WCIRB. […]
On April 28 Workers’ Memorial Day was observed. This annual designated day, apparently initiated by the AFL-CIO in 1970, focuses on those killed and maimed at their jobs. I usually mark the day by attending an event to commemorate the day. This year that was an Oakland event sponsored by the WORKSAFE activist group and by LOHP (the Labor […]
My last post (see link below) looked at an e-mail drama pertaining to a DIR employee accessing e-mails from a former DIR attorney to the chairperson of the WCAB. The e-mail story, first noted in an article by workcompcentral.com reporter Greg Jones, has stirred great interest in the workers’ comp community. Jones followed that piece with a […]
Officials at California’s Department of Industrial Relations authorized a DIR employee to access an e-mail exchange of at least one WCAB commissioner. This story has come to light after a whistleblower provided documents to a number of workers’ comp stakeholders and media outlets last week. The story is covered in a piece today by Workcompcentral […]
Journalists at the Center for Investigative Reporting have recently published an analysis of alleged widespread safety issues at the Fremont, California plant where Tesla cars are built (see link to the article at the bottom of this post). In 2017 I posted on a Worksafe think-tank study analyzing Tesla’s safety record: http://www.workerscompzone.com/?s=Tesla The recent CIR report […]
RAND has now delivered to CHSWC a draft report on the California Return to Work Supplement Program. The report (see the bottom of this post) on the RTWSP has now been uploaded to the CHSWC website, with public comments due by May 7, 2018. RAND’s Michael Dworsky presented slides and a summary of the draft […]
Christine Baker, the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations, has resigned as of Friday March 30. In a Friday afternoon e-mail to DIR employees, Baker announced that she is retiring. The note does not address whether her retirement is effective immediately nor the factors that led to the decision, be they personal or […]