A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
The California Supreme Court has rendered a 4-3 decision in Hassell v. Bird (see link to the decision at the bottom of this post). This case may be of interest to attorneys, doctors, insurance brokers and other providers who service the California workers’ compensation system. We live in a mobile, internet world. Increasingly it seems […]
Governor Brown has finally filled one of the open slots on California’s Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board. However, in a move that has puzzled many in the industry, the nod went to an apparent old Brown friend who has no apparent legal training or workers’ comp industry experience. On June 22, Brown’s office issued the following […]
Will many utilization review organizations miss the upcoming July 1, 2018 California deadline for UR accreditation? That is looking increasingly likely. Labor Code section 4610(g)(4) requires UR programs to be accredited by July 1, 2018. This provision, added as part of the SB 1160 reforms in 2016, provides that until the AD adopts rules selecting […]
CHSWC (the California Health Safety and Workers’ Compensation commission) held its meeting in Oakland on June 7. Issues that are discussed at CHSWC typically are key current and emerging issues in the system. What follows is a brief, selective snapshot paraphrasing some of the key comments I noted at the meeting. George Parisotto, Administrative Director […]
Advisory California workers’ comp rates are set to decline effective July 1, 2018 per a recent decision by Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. Jones has adopted a May 29 recommendation by DOI Attorney Patricia Hein for a “pure premium” rate of $1.74 per $100 of payroll. In making this decision, Jones rejected a WCIRB request for […]
The California Division of Workers’ Compensation has jumped the gun in posting proposed changes to the California workers’ compensation Medical-Legal Fee Schedule. As this blog is being written, a multitude of physicians and stakeholder groups have participated in a DWC online forum on the proposed regs. The majority of those warn of adverse effects, as […]
Dynamex, a recent decision from the California Supreme Court, has caused quite a bit of buzz in legal and business circles. Many believe that Dynamex (see link to the case at bottom of this post) will have vast implications for various gig economy companies. Amazingly, as of early 2018 there appears to have been little if […]