Workers Comp Zone

A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.

September 19, 2018


The California Division of Workers’ Comp is going back to the drawing board on possible changes to the medical-legal fee schedule. A public meeting to discuss a possible new schedule has been announced for October 17 in Oakland. A large turnout is likely. After all, some possible changes to the current med-legal fee schedule met […]

September 14, 2018


The recent California Department of Industrial Relations report on IMR (see link below) isn’t full of surprises. The 2018 report is one of a series of annual reports on IMR. This one examines 2017 data on Independent Medical Review (IMR). One gets the feeling we’ve seen this rodeo before. Still, some of the stats seem […]

September 6, 2018


The 2018 California legislative session is over. My last post, “Home Stretch”, detailed the California workers’ comp bills that were under consideration as the session neared its close: All of those bills have passed and are now with Governor Brown. To recap, that includes the following: • AB 479 (Gonzalez Fletcher) (addresses rating criteria […]

August 29, 2018


We’re in the 2018 legislative home stretch, as the session will end in the next couple days. As of late yesterday many of the workers’ comp bills were still awaiting final action, although several had already made it to Governor Brown’s desk. Interestingly, AB 2496 (Gonzalez Fletcher) had made it to the Governor’s desk but […]

August 24, 2018


The California Supreme Court has now issued a decision in the closely watched case King v. CompPartners (see link to the decision below). In its decision the California Supreme Court finds that the workers’ compensation system is the exclusive remedy of a worker harmed by the utilization review process. In doing so the court rejects […]

August 16, 2018

AB 2496 and DYNAMEX

AB 2496 (Gonzalez Fletcher) has been passed by the California legislature and is on its way to Governor Brown’s desk. AB 2496 would essentially codify Dynamex in determining the employment status of janitorial workers. This comes at a time when there is a lot of heat in the Capitol over the California Supreme Court’s decision […]

August 10, 2018


Eight California workers’ comp rate cuts since 2015 is a stunning figure. Yet, that’s what is on tap if a August 2018 WCIRB Governing Committee recommendation ends up being adopted by California’s Insurance Commissioner. While this would be advisory only, and does not reflect what many employers actually pay (i.e. the average industry filed rate […]