A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
As I noted in my last post, the coronavirus poses a major challenge to the California economy, including the California workers’ comp system. The Bay Area economy is largely shut down under yesterday’s shelter in place orders. Other counties have ordered closures of gatherings, bars and restaurants. In a world where many workers have minimal […]
Are we entering so-called “black swan” times? If a pandemic of the COVID-19 is about to crest in the U.S., what might it mean for California workers’ comp? Reduced economic activity and a general sense of panic may surely result, but the breadth, length and severity of the spread make it impossible to predict at […]
The arrest of California law enforcement workers for workers’ comp fraud makes a splashy news item in the media. In recent days there has been the report that a former Santa Clara police officer, Kenneth Henderson, was arrested for fraudulently misrepresenting his claimed disability. His wife, Mandy Henderson, formerly of the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s […]
What does 2020 hold for California workers’ comp? You can self-test your visionary skills by taking the quiz below, the current version of the blog’s yearly call for soothsayers to test their chops. Time to get started. 1. Regarding cumulative trauma claims, in 2020: a) C/T claims will fade as an issue as the number […]
2019 is done. It’s time to assess the most important developments in California Workers’ Comp in 2019, a year end assessment I’ve done since starting the blog in 2007. In no particular order, here are my picks, together with links to some additional source material: 1. California legislature passes AB5 in an attempt to address […]
California’s workers’ comp system is always under the microscope. 2019 has been no different, with a stream of studies released during the year. What did we learn this year? Many attorneys working in the system can go a whole year without really paying attention to system analyses. I know. I paid little attention for years […]
Amazon sure seems to be getting some bad press right around Thanksgiving and the beginning of the holiday shopping season. In the company’s rush to bring one-day delivery on a large swath of the earth’s products, worker health and safety may be taking a back seat. Tt’s something to ponder as we head toward the […]