A Partner at Boxer & Gerson LLP, Julius Young has practiced worker’s compensation law and social security disability law since 1979. He has represented thousands of individuals who have sustained life-changing injuries or illnesses while on the job. In every case, his goal is to secure the medical treatments his clients need.
SB 1159 will be the legislative vehicle to address a compensability presumption for workers who contract COVID after the July 2020 expiration of Governor Newsom’s executive order. The bill had been set for hearing. That was postponed and the bill amended. It’s now set for hearing in the Assembly Insurance Committee on August 11. As […]
The California Division of Workers Compensation’s latest proposal to amend the QME fee schedule needs work. If the DWC does not revise the proposal unveiled in June 2020 for public forum comments, the QME system, injured workers and payors will be adversely affected. As I finished this blog post, there were hundreds of pages of […]
With 2020 half gone, its time for my annual mid-year look at the most significant events in California workers’ comp to date. In a year unlike any other because of changes wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the top developments must be seen through that lens. But there were others as well. Here are […]
A May 27, 2020 California Court of Appeal case, County of Santa Clara v. WCAB (Barbara Justice), limits the application of the “Hikida doctrine”. What is Hikida? Hikida v. WCAB (2017) 82 CCC 679 was a case where the injured worker, a Costco employee, had surgery for an industrial carpal tunnel syndrome and then developed […]
One of the latest turns in the tussle over AB5 between California policymakers and Uber and Lyft is the action of the California PUC. On June 2, 2020, Doug Ito, the director of the PUC’s Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division, issued a warning to transportation network companies that they must carry California workers’ comp insurance […]
The magnitude of the COVID health and economic crisis is such that there is little focus on anything else in the workers comp world. And with good reason. Whatever happens under the Governor’s executive order establishing a presumption of industrial causation and with the batch of COVID presumption bills in the legislative hopper, the crisis […]
An interesting lawsuit has been filed in the United States District Court Eastern District of California. The suit (ExamWorks v. Baldini et al), filed by ExamWorks, a prominent provider of California medical-legal physician evaluations, seeks damages and injunctive relief against several former Examworks employees in Northern California. Those employees are alleged to have misappropriated trade […]